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Anonymous Chinese Market Survey

问卷概况:15个问题1页 已被引用122


Q1: Your gender 你的性别

Q2: Your age 你的年龄段

Q3: Have you ever heard about air pollution and PM2.5? 你听说过空气污染和PM2.5吗?

Q4: How do you usually get information? Please choose 3 options. 你一般从哪里获得信息?

Q5: Have you ever felt any discomforts in air-polluted days? 空气污染时你有没有感觉到任何不适?

Q6: How many hours do you spend indoors per day? 你一天中有多少小时在室内? 

Q7: Do you have air purifiers in your home or office? 你家或办公室有空气净化器了吗?

Q8: Do you have the access to Wi-Fi in your home and office? 你家和办公室有无线网吗?

Q9: Different from showing whole city's PM2.5 data, do you have devices to test data around you? 与显示整个城市PM2.5数据不同,你有能显示自己周围数据的设备吗?

Q10: Do you think the above PM2.5 data are related to privacy issues? 你认为上述PM2.5数据牵扯到隐私问题吗?

Q11: Do you think authorities should involve in improving people's air condition by collecting specific PM2.5 data? 你认为相关当局应该参与收集具体的PM2.5数据以改善人们的空气质量吗? 

Q12: Are you interested in analysed surrounding real time PM2.5 data and correspondingly health report? 你对自己周围的PM2.5实时数据和相对应的健康报告感兴趣吗? 

Q13: How much would you like to spend on that? 你愿意花费多少来购买? 

Q14: Where do you usually purchase electric devices? Please order. 你一般去哪里购买电子设备?请排序 

Q15: How do you order your favourite payment methods? 你如何排序你的常用付款方式?